Austin David Brown
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Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling in Python

$ \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} $ It is common in machine learning that we desire to compute an integral such as \[ \int_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d} f(x) p(x) dx. \] where $f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$, $f \in L_1(pdm)$, and $p$ is a probability density. Both Lebesgue and Riemann integrals are extremely difficult to evaluate on a computer. This is because the number of grid points needed grows exponentially in the dimension. One approach is to use Monte-Carlo sampling. A simple Law of Large Numbers Theorem states that if we can generate a sequence of i.i.d random variables $(X_k)$ distributed $pdm$, then \[ \frac{1}{n} \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum_{k = 1}^n f(X_k) \to \int_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d} f(x) p(x) dx \] almost everywhere pdm. But how do we generate the i.i.d random variables $(X_k)$ on a computer?

We can generate pseudo-random numbers on $[0, 1]$ with an algorithm such as the Mersenne Twister Algorithm. This is basically all that we can do on a computer and everything is built upon this.

Rejection Sampling

One approach to sampling from distribution $p dm$ is to upper bound $p$ by a distribution $q$ that we can sample from and then reject the samples that lie outside of $p$. Algorithm: Rejection Sampling Choose an upper bound distribution $q$ so that $p \le M q$ for some $M$. for $k \in 1, \ldots, n$ Generate a random variable $U$ with distribution Uniform(0, 1). Generate a random variable $X$ with distribution $q$. if $U \le \frac{p(X)}{M q(X)}$ then  $Y_k = X$ This random variables $(Y_k)$ generated from the algorithm have distribution $p$. Indeed, Let $B$ be any Borel measurable set. Then \begin{align*} P(Y \in B) = P(X \in B | U \le p(Y)) \\ &= \frac{\int_{x \in B} \int_{u \le p(x)} \frac{1}{M q(x)} du q(x) dx}{\int_{x \in X} \int_{u \le p(x)} \frac{1}{M q(x)} du q(x) dx} \\\ &= \int_{x \in B} p(x) dx. \end{align*}

We implement rejection sampling in python. We upper bound the normal distribution by a square, so we only get a small region of the normal distribution.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def rejectionSampler(target, N):
  Y = np.zeros(N)
  i = 0
  while i < N:
    X = 10 * np.random.uniform(low = -5, high = 5)
    u = np.random.uniform()
    if u <=  target(X):
      Y[i] = X
      i += 1
  return Y

def target(x):
  return 1/np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-1/2 * x**2)

X = rejectionSampler(target, 10000)
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.hist(X, normed = True, bins = 100)

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling

An extension to the Law of Large Numbers is the Mean Ergodic Theorem which says that if we have a measure-preserving system $(\mu, T)$ and $f \in L_1(\mu)$, then \[ \frac{1}{n} \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum_{k = 1}^n T^k f \to E(f(X_1) | \mathcal{S}) \] almost everywhere $\mu$ where $\mathcal{S}$ is the shift-invariant $\sigma$-algebra of $T$. If $\mathcal{S}$ is trivial, then $E(f | \mathcal{S}) = E(f)$, which is our goal. Let $(X_k)$ be a Markov chain with Markov operator $P$ and invariant distribution $\pi = p dm$. Since $\pi$ is invariant, $(P, \pi)$ is a measure-preserving system. If the Markov chain is irreducible, then $\mathcal{S}$ is trivial. Therefore, we can apply the Mean Ergodic Theorem, and \[ \frac{1}{n} \lim_{n \to \infty} P^k f \to \int f p dm \] almost everywhere $p dm$, and we can approximate integrals this way. However, this says nothing about the rate of convergence, and to get within $\epsilon$ of the limit may take $n = 10^{82}$ (the number of atoms in the universe). Therefore, we need to be careful with Theorems of this type in general.

We can implement this theory using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. This can be thought of as an extension of the Rejection Algorithm. The idea is to move (accept) if we obtain a good sample or else stay put (reject). Algorithm: Metropolis-Hastings Choose a proposal distribution $q$ and initial point $X_0$. for $k \in 1, \ldots, n$ Generate a random variable $U$ with distribution Uniform(0, 1). Generate a random variable $X$ with distribution $q( \cdot | Y_{k - 1})$. if $U \le \rho(X_{k - 1}, X)$ then  $Y_{k} = X$  else   $Y_{k} = Y_{k - 1}$ where $\rho(x, y) = \min{\left(1, \frac{p(y) q(x | y)}{p(x) q(x|y)}\right)}$. The algorithm generates a Markov chain $(Y_k)$ with transition kernel \[ P(x, y) = \rho(x, y) q(y|x) + (1 - \rho(x, y)) \delta_x(y) \] which satisfies the detailed balance condition with respect to $pdm$. The detailed balance condition is a sufficient condition for $pdm$ to be an invariant distribution of the Markov chain. If $q$ is everywhere positive, then the Markov chain is irreducible. Thus, we can use this algorithm to approximate integrals.

We implement a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with random walk proposal and the target distribution as a normal mixture with 2 modes.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def randomWalkMH(target, dim, N = 10**(4), h = 1):
  X = np.zeros((N, dim))
  X[0] = np.repeat(0, dim)
  for i in range(0, N - 1):
    Z = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(dim), np.identity(dim))
    X_next = X[i] + h * Z

    rho = min(1, target(X_next) / max(10**(-20), target(X[i])))
    u = np.random.uniform()
    if u < rho:
      X[i + 1] = X_next
      X[i + 1] = X[i]
  return X

def target(x):
  mu1 = np.array([-5, 0])
  mu2 = np.array([5, 0])
  f1 = 1/np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)**2 * np.exp(-1/2 * np.linalg.norm(x - mu1)**2)
  f2 = 1/np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)**2 * np.exp(-1/2 * np.linalg.norm(x - mu2)**2)
  return 1/2 * f1 + 1/2 * f2

dim = 2
X = randomWalkMH(target, dim, N = 10**(5), h = 5)
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 5))
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=1)

Gibbs Sampling

Gibbs Sampling is analogous to the coordinate descent algorithm in optimization. It is pretty easy to derive how the Mean Ergodic Theorem will hold for this Markov chain. Algorithm: Gibbs Sampling Chooose initial point $X^0$ in dimension $d$. for $k \in 1, \ldots, n$  $X^{k}_1 \leftarrow$ Sample from $P_1(X_1 | X^{k - 1}_2, \ldots, X^{k - 1}_d)$. $X^{k}_2 \leftarrow$ Sample from $P_2(X_2 | X^k_1, X^{k - 1}_3, \ldots, X^{k - 1}_d)$. $\ldots$  $X^{k}_d \leftarrow$ Sample from $P_d(X_d | X^k_1, \ldots, X^k_{d - 1})$. We implement a bivariate normal distribution Gibbs sampler in python.
def bivariateNormalgibbsSampler(mu, E, N = 1000):
  X = np.zeros((N, 2))
  for i in range(0, N - 1):
    X[i + 1][0] = np.random.normal(E[0, 1] * 1/E[1, 1] * (X[i][1] - mu[1]), E[1, 1] - E[0, 1] * E[1, 0])
    X[i + 1][1] = np.random.normal(E[1, 0] * 1/E[0, 0] * (X[i + 1][0] - mu[1]), E[0, 0] - E[0, 1] * E[1, 0])
  return X

mu = np.array([0, 0])
E = np.matrix([[1, -1/2], [-1/2, 1]])
X = bivariateNormalgibbsSampler(mu, E, N = 10**(4))
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6))
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=1)


Christian P. Robert and George Casella. 2005. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (Springer Texts in Statistics). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Kevin P. Murphy. 2012. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. The MIT Press.