Austin David Brown
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Random Forest in Python

$ \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} $ Previously, we constructed classification and regression trees. We saw that trees are suboptimal predictors on their own. A supervised learning method from someone I admire, Leo Breiman, is the Random forest. The main idea is to construct an ensemble of independent trees to improve the prediction capacity of a single tree. We do this in the following way. We sample $n$ i.i.d. observations $(X_i, Y_i)_{i = 1}^n = \mathcal{D_n}$ to build the training dataset. First, we boostrap the training dataset by sampling over $1, \ldots, n$ with replacement. Each tree $T$ is fit using a randomly sampled set of features to perform the greedy split. The idea is to decorrelate the trees as much as possible and simulate an independent sample of trees. This constructs a sequence of trees $T_1, \ldots, T_B$ where $B$ is the number of bootstrapped trees. Due to the randomness in the construction, this allows us to use probability theory to analyze the tree theoretically. The algorithm is Algorithm: Random Forest  for $b \in 1, \ldots B$  $\mathcal{B} \leftarrow$ Sample $n$ observations with replacement from the training data $\mathcal{D}_n$. $T_b \leftarrow$ Fit a Classification / Regression tree to $\mathcal{B}$ using $m$ randomly sampled features at each split. We then classify using the largest posterior probability over all of the bootstrapped trees \[ \max_{i \in 1, \ldots, B} \norm{P_i(Y = y | X = x, \mathcal{D}_n)}_\infty. \] We will implement a random forest for classification in Python. A random forest for regression would be similar. We use the previously built code for a classification tree with a slight modification. The greedy splitting function is modified to use a randomly sampled specified number of features.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class RFTree():
  def entropy(v):
    S, counts = np.unique(v, return_counts = True)
    N = v.shape[0]
    p = counts / N
    return -np.sum(np.log2(p) * p)

  def split_data(X, y, feature_index, feature_value):
    return {
      "I_left": np.where(X[:, feature_index] <= feature_value)[0],
      "I_right": np.where(X[:, feature_index] > feature_value)[0],

  # Greedy algorithm for finding the best split using information gain
  # We look for the split with the best increase in information gain
  def greedy_best_split(X, y, m_features):
    best_feature_index = 0
    best_split_value = 0
    best_IG = 0
    best_split = {
      "I_left": np.array([]),
      "I_right": np.array([]),

    parent_entropy = RFTree.entropy(y)
    N = y.shape[0]

    # Subsample m features and determine the optimal split using this subset.
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    feature_index_subset = np.random.choice(n_features, m_features, replace = False)
    for feature_index in feature_index_subset:
      split_values = np.unique(X[:, feature_index])
      for split_value in split_values:
        split = RFTree.split_data(X, y, feature_index, split_value)

        # Compute the information gain
        N_left = split["I_left"].shape[0]
        N_right = split["I_right"].shape[0]
        IG = parent_entropy - 1/N * (N_left * RFTree.entropy(y[split["I_left"]]) + N_right * RFTree.entropy(y[split["I_right"]]))

        # Update if the information gain is the largest so far
        if IG >= best_IG:
          best_feature_index = feature_index
          best_split_value = split_value
          best_split = split
          best_IG = IG
    return best_IG, best_feature_index, best_split_value, best_split

  def fit_tree(X, y, m_features, depth = 1,
               max_depth = 100, tolerance = 10**(-3)):
    node = {}

    # If we can split, find the best split by greedy algorithm
    if y.shape[0] >= 2:
      IG, feature_index, split_value, split = RFTree.greedy_best_split(X, y, m_features)
      # If there is a greedy split and the stopping criterion is not met, branch 2 times
      if split["I_left"].shape[0] > 0 and split["I_right"].shape[0] > 0 and IG >= tolerance and depth < max_depth:
        node["information_gain"] = IG
        node["feature_index"] = feature_index
        node["split_value"] = split_value

        node["left"] = RFTree.fit_tree(X[split["I_left"]], y[split["I_left"]], m_features, depth = depth + 1, 
                                      max_depth = max_depth, tolerance = tolerance)
        node["right"] = RFTree.fit_tree(X[split["I_right"]], y[split["I_right"]], m_features, depth = depth + 1, 
                                       max_depth = max_depth, tolerance = tolerance) 
        # Set weight with the mode
        S_y, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts = True)
        node["w"] = S_y[np.argmax(counts)] # mode

        node["left"] = None
        node["right"] = None
      # Set weight with the mode
      S_y, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts = True)
      node["w"] = S_y[np.argmax(counts)] # mode

      node["left"] = None
      node["right"] = None
    return node

  # Predict
  def predict_one(node, x):
    if node["left"] == None:
      return node["w"]
      if x[node["feature_index"]] <= node["split_value"]:
        return RFTree.predict_one(node["left"], x)
        return RFTree.predict_one(node["right"], x)

  def predict(node, X):
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    predictions = np.zeros(n_samples)
    for i in range(0, n_samples):
      predictions[i] = RFTree.predict_one(node, X[i])
    return predictions

  def print_tree(node, depth = 0):
    if node["left"] == None:
      print(f'{depth * "  "}weight: {node["w"]}')
      print(f'{depth * "  "}X{node["feature_index"]} <= {node["split_value"]}')
      RFTree.print_tree(node["left"], depth + 1)
      RFTree.print_tree(node["right"], depth + 1)

class RandomForest():
  def __init__(self, n_boot = 500, max_depth = 10, tolerance = 10**(-3)):
    self.trees = []
    self.n_boot = n_boot
    self.max_depth = max_depth
    self.tolerance = tolerance

  def train(self, X, y, m_features = 0,):
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    n_features = X.shape[1]

    # Default to \sqrt{n_{features}} subsampled features for each tree
    if m_features == 0:
      m_features = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n_features))) # features to subsample

    # Construct sequence of trees
    for b in range(0, self.n_boot):
      I = np.random.choice(n_samples, n_samples, replace = True) # bootstrap sample
      X_B = X[I, :]
      y_B = y[I]

      tree = RFTree.fit_tree(X_B, y_B, m_features, max_depth = self.max_depth, tolerance = self.tolerance)
      if b % 10 == 0:
        print("Trained tree:", b)

  def predict(self, X):
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    n_trees = len(self.trees)

    # Construct matrix of all tree predictions: rows are samples, columns are trees
    pred_matrix = np.zeros((n_samples, n_trees), dtype = int)
    for i in range(0, n_trees):
      pred_matrix[:, i] = RFTree.predict(self.trees[i], X)

    # Predict with the mode
    y_pred = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype = int)
    for i in range(0, n_samples):
      S_y_pred, counts = np.unique(pred_matrix[i, :], return_counts = True)
      y_pred[i] = S_y_pred[np.argmax(counts)]

    return y_pred

Now, we construct the classification random forest implementation. The training builds a list of boostrapped trees. The prediction chooses the class with the largest posterior probability over all of the trees.
class RandomForest():
  def __init__(self, n_boot = 500, max_depth = 10, tolerance = 10**(-3)):
    self.trees = []
    self.n_boot = n_boot
    self.max_depth = max_depth
    self.tolerance = tolerance

  def train(self, X, y, m_features = 0,):
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    n_features = X.shape[1]

    # Default to \sqrt{n_{features}} subsampled features for each tree
    if m_features == 0:
      m_features = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n_features))) # features to subsample

    # Construct sequence of trees
    for b in range(0, self.n_boot):
      I = np.random.choice(n_samples, n_samples, replace = True) # bootstrap sample
      X_B = X[I, :]
      y_B = y[I]

      tree = RFTree.fit_tree(X_B, y_B, m_features, max_depth = self.max_depth, tolerance = self.tolerance)
      if b % 10 == 0:
        print("Trained tree:", b)

  def predict(self, X):
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    n_trees = len(self.trees)

    # Construct matrix of all tree predictions: rows are samples, columns are trees
    pred_matrix = np.zeros((n_samples, n_trees), dtype = int)
    for i in range(0, n_trees):
      pred_matrix[:, i] = RFTree.predict(self.trees[i], X)

    # Predict with the mode
    y_pred = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype = int)
    for i in range(0, n_samples):
      S_y_pred, counts = np.unique(pred_matrix[i, :], return_counts = True)
      y_pred[i] = S_y_pred[np.argmax(counts)]

    return y_pred
We will use the UCI optical handwritten digits dataset. We only use the test set. We split the data into training and testing and plot a few images.
test = np.loadtxt("data/optdigits_test.txt", delimiter = ",")
X = test[:, 0:64]
y = test[:, 64]

# Train/test split
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_TRAIN = int(.75 * n_samples)
I = np.arange(0, n_samples)
TRAIN = np.random.choice(I, n_TRAIN, replace = False)
TEST = np.setdiff1d(I, TRAIN)
X_train = X[TRAIN, :]
y_train = y[TRAIN]
X_test = X[TEST, :]
y_test = y[TEST]

# Plot some of the digits
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
for i in range(0, 20):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(5, 5, i + 1)
    ax.imshow(X[i].reshape((8,8)), cmap = "Greys", vmin = 0, vmax = 16)

We train 100 bootstrapped trees and report both the training and the test accuracy.
rf = RandomForest(n_boot = 100)
rf.train(X_train, y_train)

print( "Train accuracy:", 1/X_train.shape[0] * np.sum((rf.predict(X_train) == y_train).astype(int)) )
print( "Test accuracy", 1/X_test.shape[0] * np.sum((rf.predict(X_test) == y_test).astype(int)) )
Trained tree: 0
Trained tree: 10
Trained tree: 20
Trained tree: 30
Trained tree: 40
Trained tree: 50
Trained tree: 60
Trained tree: 70
Trained tree: 80
Trained tree: 90
Train accuracy: 1.0
Test accuracy 0.9844444444444445
The test accuracy is much improved over the previous classification tree we used previously.


Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. 2000. Pattern Classification (2nd Edition). Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, USA.

Kevin P. Murphy. 2012. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. The MIT Press.